Nano Student in BITs Pilani
09 May 2017

Last Minute Tips for BITSAT

Understand the difference between JEE & BITSAT

BITSAT has 150 questions to be answered in 180 minutes. Therefore the number of questions is much higher than JEE. However, you are more likely to encounter shorter and slightly easier questions. Hence it is important that you take less time per questions. Also, it does not make sense to waste time solving lengthier questions. Look for questions which are more concept based.

Time managaement in BITSAT

Considering that at the very least you have to score 300 (on the basis of 2016 cutoffs) your attempts should me more than 115. In case you desire a good branch & Pilani campus, this number has to go higher. In such a case, time management becomes very important. Only those who can solve questions accurately and quickly will succeed.

Smart answering in BITSAT

Chemistry cannot take more than 30-35 minutes. Any question not involving calculation should be answered in less than 30 seconds. Since mathematics is time consuming, it may eat up as much as sixty to eighty minutes; the rest being saved for Physics, English and Logical Reasoning.
Since all questions have the same marks you are at an advantage if you focus on solving shorter questions before lengthier ones. Questions pertaining to English and Logical Reasoning do not require calculation but only analysis. Hence, these together should not be allowed more than thirty minutes of your time.

No time to go back

You will not have time to come back to a question. So, do your best job the first time so that you don’t have to go back a second time. For a similar reason, you cannot go back to recheck your answers.

Negative marks in BITSAT

You get +3 for every right answer and -1 for every wrong answer. So penalty for wrong answers is 33%. So, while pace of answering is important, accuracy cannot be sacrificed.

Online BITSAT Exam Practice

Ensure that you have sufficient online BITSAT mock test practice to get adjusted to a computer based test.

Bonus Questions in BITSAT

You will get to answer an additional 12 questions if you answer all the 150 questions. Once you opt for bonus questions, you have to submit your answers to the original 150 questions and you can’t revert back to review those answers. So, it makes sense to go for the bonus questions only if you are substantially sure of your answers for the given 150 questions. The bonus questions also carry negative marks.

English Proficiency and Logical Reasoning in BITSAT

There are 15 questions from English Proficiency and 10 from logical reasoning section and these are important for a good score. So, do not neglect them. If you come from an English Medium background you should be able to answer most English questions without difficulty. Try solving standard logical reasoning questions such as puzzles, blood relations, direction tests, coding & decoding, number series, pattern recognition etc before you go for the exam. But, the most important point to remember is you have to be really fast in answering these questions so that yo have enough time for the lengthy questions in Maths & Physics.

What do in the last week before BITSAT?

In the last week try to go over important formulae in Mathematics and synopsis. There is no time to start from basics at this stage. Limit yourself to just one or two online grand tests in the last week. However you can take a number of timed subject wise tests so that you develop and maintain pace.

On the BITSAT exam day

Reach the venue on time. Remember, Hyderabad has there centres. Cross check before hand which one is your centre. Wait calmly till you are called in. At this stage do not get distracted or start discussion with friends or strangers. Once you get into the centre stay cool and maintain focus on the task at hand.