26 Mar 2017

Ten crucial points to note for JEE Main Computer Based Test

JEE Main Computer Based Test provides several features which are advantageous to IIT JEE aspirants provided they know how to use them. This short note prepared by experts at NANO IIT Academy and Junior College gives an overview of the important points that a test taker should know if he is attempting the JEE Main Computer Based Test.

  1. DEVELOP STAMINA: First get used to a computer (desktop, not laptop). Using a mouse and keyboard, develop physical stamina to work for three hours at a stretch.
  2. MOCK TEST: Try the CBSE JEE Main Mock test available at https://www.digialm.com//OnlineAssessment/index.html?223@@M131 ,if you have not done so. Get used to the question palette, the colour scheme and answering questions.
  3. INSTRUCTIONS: Just like the JEE Main pen and paper based exam, you will be presented with instructions before the start of the online test. Read the instructions carefully (Would be the same as what you have in CBSE’s mock test). Before you start the exam after logging in set the default language to English. (Hindi also available)
  4. MARK FOR REVIEW: When you come across a question which you don’t want to answer immediately you can mark it for review. You can do the same if you get stuck in any question and want to come back to it a later point of time. (Mark for Review and Next). Going back to such mark for review questions will be much easier in online mode.
  5. CHANGING ANSWERS: Remember that, anytime you can change your answer easily by selecting a different option. But you should not waste too much time doing this often.
  6. ROUGH SHEETS: You will be provided with enough rough sheets in the online test. Don’t worry about that part. So, unlike in the paper pencil mode, you can write out your solutions clearly so that you can review it in case you find an error in your working.
  7. TIMER: For your convenience, there will be a count down timer (Time Left) in front of you (top right) during the test. However, don’t get edgy by constantly staring at it. Use it positively to phase your answering across sections methodically.
  8. QUESTION PAPER: Use the question paper option (green button) next to the timer to look at all the questions in one go if you want to see the entire question paper. You will not be able to see the answer choices. However, you will get a complete view of the entire question paper.
  9. COLOUR SCHEME: Use the colour scheme of the question palette to your advantage. By looking at the palette you will know how many questions not visited (grey); answered (green); visited but not answered (red), marked for review (purple).
  10. COMPUTER GETTING STUCK: Don’t fret if your computer freezes. Just call the invigilator & ask them to replace the machine. While he is doing it continue working on the question you read previously. The test will restart on the new computer exactly at the point where it got stuck.